What is a delivery area? (EFM users only)
Reading Time: < 1 minute

A delivery area allows you to group customer destinations and then assign carriers and drivers to the delivery area.

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What is a copied price?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Copied Prices screen lets you copy a price posted by a supplier at one terminal and make that price available at other terminals. This helps you keep prices current at all the terminals where you purchase product, even when the supplier does not send a price for that location.

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What is a Bogus Value?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

A Bogus Value is a known price the supplier posts when they are out of product. The purpose of a Bogus Value is for a price that doesn’t fall into the Range Outage values but still needs to be excluded from Rack reports. The way they are excluded is to show the last confirmed price

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What if I want to compare location pricing for multi-product loads?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

In Custom Locations, create a new Custom Location and assign the terminals you want to it. In Freight Management, create a destination “group” that includes each of the terminals in your custom location. Make sure you enter Freight Miles for the origin terminal location to each of the terminals in your destination group. In Best Rack, use

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What if I can’t see my prices on the Dashboard?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Before you can see prices, you will need to activate each terminal where you are authorized by a supplier. If you still don’t see the prices you want, contact us.

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What if a supplier quotes prices at one terminal, but the price is effective at the other terminals?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Use Derivative Prices to copy price quotes from one terminal to all other terminals where the price is effective. You can take it a step further by using Best Rack to decide which terminal provides the best price overall, including freight costs. Use Custom Locations to group the terminals where you can get the price you want.

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What happens when an existing user is given the EA role?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

If an existing Fuel Buyer user is given the EA role, any settings previously created by the new EA user will remain individual and will not be shared with other users. The new EA user will have to use the Enterprise Admin menu in order to create settings that will be shared among all users

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What happens when a new Fuel Buyer account is added after EA settings have been activated?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

If a new user is added after EA settings have been activated, most of those EA settings will automatically become available to the new user. However, EA-defined settings for minimum gallons (Freight Management) and price display cutoffs (Inactive Prices) will not be automatically available to the user.

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What happens once a list has been created? Who can use it to add prices?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Once a list has been created, every user on the Fuel Buyer account will be able to see the list and use it to add custom prices. However, each user will see only the prices that he or she entered. If an Enterprise Administrator created the custom price list, every user on the Fuel Buyer account

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What Fuel Buyer module do I have?
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Fuel Buyer Pro When you first login, Fuel Buyer Pro opens to the Dashboard. It also has Freight Management in the left hand menu.   Fuel Buyer Standard When you first login, Fuel Buyer Standard opens to the Dashboard. Freight Management is located under the Price Management menu.     Fuel Buyer Price View When you first login, Fuel Buyer Price View opens

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