What’s the difference between a price adjustment and a price change?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Price adjustments do not automatically update when a new base price is received from the supplier, as price changes do.

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What Price Export reports are available?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Price Formula Report and the Prices Not Exported Report. The Price Formula Report displays the price formulas that have been flagged for inclusion in an export through the Price Formulas screen for the most recent 5 days. You can use it to see how a price was derived. The Prices Not Exported Report helps

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What other factors besides the spot influence prices?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Local supply issues and where the market is in relation to pipeline and future contract cycles can impact prices. We recommend you use the Spot Ticker with MarketWire to get a complete picture.

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What is the Freight Surcharge?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Freight Surcharge gives you the flexibility to adjust transportation costs on the fly to reflect the changing market, special deals, and other delivery variables. You can use Freight Surcharge to increase or decrease a rate by a percentage over a specified date and time range. EFM users can configure any number of surcharge sets and

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What is the difference between branded and unbranded?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Branded products can only be sold at locations under a specific supplier’s name or brand.  Unbranded products are sold at independent locations, where a customer can purchase unbranded product from an unbranded supplier.

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What is I need to re-download prices?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

If something happens and you need to re-download prices for your back office system, you can specify a received after date and time. Any previously exported prices received after that date and time will be included in the export. The “Received After” option exports prices that have a time stamp that indicates they were received

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What is Freight Destination?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

A destination is the location where product will be delivered.   Freight costs cannot be calculated without a destination. When you define a destination, you must also define the terminal locations that will serve as the origin where product is lifted, and then enter the mileage from that origin to the destination. If desired, the

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What is an outage?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

An outage indicates that a product is not currently available from a specified supplier and terminal. Many suppliers set a pre-defined price to indicate that they are out of a product in their price notifications. In FastRacks reports, these may be handled in two different ways based on if they are a range outage value

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What is Advanced Best Rack?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Advanced Best Rack allows you to search for your best buy options based on additional criteria such as fulfilling an order by lifting on multiple suppliers, or lifting from terminals that are nearby each other. Click Advanced Search from the Best Rack screen to open Advanced Best Rack.

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What is a Range Outage Value?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

If a supplier’s price is below the low value or above the high value, the system marks the price as a Range Outage Price. The low and high values are determined by the Racks group based on current market conditions.

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