Range Outage Prices: Bogus Value Prices: The price displays as seen on suppliers prices sheet (ex. 9.9999). The price displays in Fuel Buyer as seen on suppliers price sheet (ex. 4.0000) The price has a line drawn through it (ex. 9.9999) The price has a line drawn through it (ex. 4.0000) The price detail provides Outage: Y –
How do Bogus Values appear in FastRacks canned reports?
Range Outage Prices: Bogus Value Prices: The supplier doesn’t display in the Rack reports. The Bogus Value defines the last confirmed price but it is marked with an X. The move date provides the date when that price went into effect. Move amount displays as —-
How does the system check for Bogus Values?
The system first checks for specific products, then the main Range Outage values and then the Bogus values. The use of specific products allows DTN to set a higher value for products like biodiesel which are normally higher than other products.
What is a Bogus Value?
A Bogus Value is a known price the supplier posts when they are out of product. The purpose of a Bogus Value is for a price that doesn’t fall into the Range Outage values but still needs to be excluded from Rack reports. The way they are excluded is to show the last confirmed price
What is a Range Outage Value?
If a supplier’s price is below the low value or above the high value, the system marks the price as a Range Outage Price. The low and high values are determined by the Racks group based on current market conditions.
What is an outage?
An outage indicates that a product is not currently available from a specified supplier and terminal. Many suppliers set a pre-defined price to indicate that they are out of a product in their price notifications. In FastRacks reports, these may be handled in two different ways based on if they are a range outage value