Once a list has been created, every user on the Fuel Buyer account will be able to see the list and use it to add custom prices. However, each user will see only the prices that he or she entered. If an Enterprise Administrator created the custom price list, every user on the Fuel Buyer account
Custom Prices
Who can create a Custom Price List?
All users on a Fuel Buyer account can create a custom price list.
What are Custom Price Lists?
A custom price list makes it easier to manage multiple custom prices on a regular basis. The list can consist of multiple supplier/terminal/product combinations, which are tied to an effective date and time. You can use the list to add custom prices. This streamlines the process for managing intra-day and other frequent custom price changes.
What’s the difference between the Get Prices and the Get All Prices buttons?
Get Prices displays only those prices that were effective after the date specified in the Effective After field. Get All Prices displays all your custom prices.