What is Advanced Best Rack?

Advanced Best Rack allows you to search for your best buy options based on additional criteria such as fulfilling an order by lifting on multiple suppliers, or lifting from terminals that are nearby each other. Click Advanced Search from the Best Rack screen to open Advanced Best Rack.

What are the freight costs used to calculate Best Rack prices?

This calculation includes the number of gallons to be transported, the type of product (gasoline or diesel), the mileage between the origin and destination, the freight rate in effect for that product type and mileage, the surcharge to be applied, and any flat rate charges associated with the destination.

How do I get Best Rack to calculate freight costs?

In order for Best Rack to calculate freight costs, the following must be pre-defined through Freight Management: The Best Rack location must be associated with a destination through Freight Management. If you use a custom location group as your Best Rack location, each location within the custom location group must be associated with the same destination

What does a Best Rack search return?

The search returns a list of the suppliers offering the products at your locations or custom location groups. The list is sorted by best average price, weighted by the number of gallons entered for each product. If you have set up freight costs and destinations through Freight Management, Best Rack will show you how freight costs

Which version of Best Rack do I have?

There are two different version of Best Rack: Advanced and Standard. Fuel Buyer Pro users have Advanced Best Rack, and Fuel Buyer Standard users have Standard Best Rack. You can easily tell if you have Advanced Best Rack by going to the Best Rack screen to see if you are able to toggle between advanced and standard searches: