How do blended prices display on Price Analysis and Best Rack?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Blended prices will display in green with the designation “BL” on the Price Analysis and Best Rack screens.

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How can the Spot Ticker help me?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The spot market is the primary driver in determining supplier postings at the rack. The spot market establishes suppliers’ replacement costs for product.  That cost is then used to set the price at the terminal for products that will be lifted by tanker trucks the subsequent day, and sold at retail outlets over the next few

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How can I use Price Analysis?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Price Analysis shows you the posted rack price for each product at a specified location or terminal. You can quickly see which supplier has the lowest price for a product. You can then compare that price to DTN’s Spot market price for your spot market group and to DTN FastRack averages and lows, if you

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How can I manage old prices?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Inactive Price Rules lets you define when a price is old. Any prices effective on or before that date will be inactive and will no long display in Price Analysis.

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How can I change Market Analysis defaults?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The filters, such as branded or unbranded, that you set as your default for Price Analysis, will also be used as the default for Market Analysis. Click here to set Price Analysis/Market Analysis defaults.

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How can I access historical spot price data?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Historical data is available through DTN QuotesOnline®, which is a Fuel Buyer add-on service. DTN QuotesOnline customers can chart DTN Spot product prices and export historical data to Excel. To add DTN QuotesOnline to your service, call 866-460-1030. The following table lists the DTN spot product symbols used in DTN QuotesOnline:  For an averaged-based spot

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How are multiple users accommodated?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

If your account has multiple users assigned to the same DataConnect mailbox, each user will be able to configure their own AutoPrint feature to meet that user’s needs.

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How are freight costs calculated?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

When you select a destination from within the Best Rack screen, a freight cost will be calculated based on the settings that you define for that destination through Freight Management. This freight cost is based on the following:   Base Freight = (# Gallons X Freight Rate for the mileage range in which the distance

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Does the FTP file work the same?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The process is the same, but the file will be routed to a separate FTP folder. Your process for pulling in the files will need to be updated with the new FTP credentials (user name and password).

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Does DTN have any control over how prices are set?
Reading Time: < 1 minute

No. Because DTN doesn’t create this information, we don’t have any control over how prices are set. Instead, this is controlled by the suppliers. We gather that information and distribute it to our customers.

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